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Golfstix How it works

Return items to receive a full refund for the following reasons:

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Undisclosed Damage

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Not As Described

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Missing Items

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Counterfeit Items


Best in class payment security.

All payments are processed by Stripe. Cardholder data is encrypted and transmitted to maintain the highest PCI security standards.


US Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, and DHL

Golfstix has partnered with e-commerce giant Shippo to ensure the lowest carrier rates for all domestic and international shipping.

For Sellers:

More Options. Less Fees.

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Fixed-price, make offer, and bid auction listing types

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Calculated, flat fee, and free shipping options

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Customizable drop-down option management


Final Sale Fee

10% Final Sale Fee on sold items

Credit Card Processing Fee

2.90% + $0.30 per transaction via Stripe


Promote Items

Items featured on the homepage and top of search results.

$3.99 for 3 Days

$5.99 for 7 Days

$12.99 Until Sold

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Bid Auctions

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Auction Bidding

Golfstix's automated bidding lets users set an AutoMax Bid, which is the maximum they're willing to pay. Golfstix bids for users incrementally, keeping bids private.

Outbid users get notified and can increase their bids. The highest bidder wins and completes payment at checkout.

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AutoMax Bid Increments

Bid increments
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Auction Reserves

Sellers can set a 'Reserve Price' for their auction, the minimum amount they'll accept. The reserve price isn't shown to buyers, and the auction shows 'Reserve not met' until at least two bids exceed it.

If only one bidder places a bid above the reserve price and the auction ends, the item will be sold to that bidder at the reserve price.